Tuesday 9 July 2019

Website Analysis

Website Analysis

Describe the visual elements on the home page. What caught your eye first?

The content of the website that caught my eye straight away was the slideshow of the different collaborations and information about a new tour that he is going on. This was right in the middle of the homepage and was eye grabbing o that anyone interested can find out that information quickly.

How does the graphic design (balance, emphasis, colour, tone, structure, and so on) communicate the content?
on brand writing?

If there are images on the page, do they add value to the content, or are they for decoration and appeal? If they add value, describe how.

All of the images on the website do add value to website because they are all related to the artist and what he is producing. Some of the images are to do with the album covers so that gives value to the content.  

How well does the layout of text help viewers understand the main points of the site content?

The layout of the site helps the viewers to understand the main points of the site because it is all relevant information and the structure has been done very professionally so it is clear to what the users of the website are looking at. 

Does the text layout and style follow an appropriate structure? If so, how does the structure help viewers understand the content?

The text layout follows an appropriate layout because its all the same size, colour and font but the title of things E.G = songs are a different font, colour and size to make them stand out. Everything else in terms on structure with the text is very well because the are in line with each other bit of text on each web page. 

Are any of the elements repeated on subsequent pages? Are the elements decorative or part of the navigation?

The only features of the website that are repeated are the title of the artist, his social media accounts and finally the navigation bar.

Does the repetition help or hinder the overall purpose of the website?

How consistent is the use of colour?

The consistency of the colour is very consistent because it is the same colour scheme on every web page apart from the different colours that are on the photos. 

How consistent are fonts and font sizes? In what ways do the text styles vary?

The fonts are and font sizes are consistent because its the same size and same font and the same colour. The only difference is that the titles are different to the description.

Does the colour scheme add to the purpose or tone of the site?

The colour scheme adds to the purpose of the site because its a simple black and white colour scheme and it links to some of the artists music videos because they are filmed in black and white just like the website. 

How does the colour scheme help or hinder in conveying the purpose of the site?

How is the artist represented on the webpage? 

The artist is represented on the website as a superstar who likes performing infant of large numbers of crowds. 

Is there an image of them? Are there lots of images? 

There are some images of the artist but there is a lot of images as a whole. Most of the images are the album and single covers. 

How frequently is their name used?

Their name is used very frequently all over the web pages. 

Is there a biography?


What else can we find out about the artist (hobbies, interests, relationships, place of birth, etc.)

Can't find anything on him.

What overall impressions are created by the website? 

My impressions of this website is that the layout and colour scheme have been constructed professionally and i like the idea of having photos as links to certain things.  

What is the most effective and least effective sections?

The most effective section is the news page because it gives you a variety of information to find out about the artists music. The least effective section is the home page because i just don't think that people will look at that page for very long.

What can you use from this website when planning your own? What ideas can you incorporate?

I can definitely take inspiration from the colour scheme as it's modern and classy. It fits in with how I want mine to look. However I would add more colour on mine to make it a bit more interesting.

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Final Website
