Monday 28 October 2019

Production Post

When producing my video, I decided it would be best to make a storyboard  so I have a visual and word representation of what my video needed to include. This would help me significantly when it came to me filming for my video. My storyboard consisted of 51 shots with a range of different camera angles. 

I chose to film and edit on my Iphone 7. The reason why I chose this device is because I would be able to be specific when cutting down footage. Also, there are multiple editing software's that I could have chosen from. In conclusion, I picked a editing software called "Cute cut". 

Firstly, I purchased the song off of itunes and imported it onto the editing app. After filming 5-10 second clips of the chosen shots and began importing/ placing them onto the app in the chronological order. I chose to edit bit by bit instead of all at once to ensure each shot was in the correct place. 

After one filming session I achieved a significant chunk of filming and was able to begin editing.

One of the locations of my video became flooded badly and this meant i couldn't film there so thus began the changes to my storyboard. What started of as simply removing a location, changed to removing shots and introducing lip-syncing from the character in my video. This was all filmed in one hour and i was able to edit the different sections of lip syncing into the sections of song.

Some problems I faced while editing involved the app crashing and not allowing me onto the video. this would happen for 10-15 minutes at a time. To try and get around this I deleted photos, apps etc to free up storage, but it still wouldn't work. In the end I had to create a copy of the video I already had in order to continue editing it. This set me back a few days and meant I couldn't get on with the video when I wanted to. Another issue I faced was making sure the video of the lip-syncing syncing on the audio of the song. Every time I moved a clip either side of the lip syncing, it would move out of place and I would have to re-place it. 

Other problems I faced was the availability of my actors. A few times I would try to arrange filming sessions and would have to cancel them or change them. This also meant I couldn't film anything for a large chunk of time. 

In conclusion, I faced a wide variety of issues and managed to overcome them and finish my music video on time. 

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