Monday 23 September 2019

Risk Assessment

Release Forms

 Myia Humber's release form.

 Tom Powell's release form

 Imogen Angus' release form

Prop List and Outfits

  1. Bed
  2. Photo-frame 
  3. Phone
  4. Picnic blanket
Outfit for First Girl

In the present day scenes my character will be wearing black leggings and a black hoodie. this is to connote the sadness my character is feeling during this time period. In the flashback scenes she will be wearing blue jeans and a white t shirt to show shes happier and to show a bigger contrast between the flashbacks and the present. these outfits will change during each flashback but stick to that basic theme.

Outfit for Second Girl

In the flashbacks will be wearing different dresses to make her different from the first girl. this is to sway away from stereotypes of the LGBTQ+ community. in the present day, because she will only be seen in one scene I will have her wearing a different style dress with a hoodie over the top of it, again to show her sadness.

Location number 5

This is the house I will use in my video. I'm using this because it is nearby and local meaning I can get it quickly and easily. 

Location Number 4

This is another road i will be running along in the video. chosen for the same reasons as number 3.

Location Number 3

This is one of the shots I will use during the running scene. It's an every day street which is nice and straight making it easier to run along. This is one of the reasons I chose this particular street. Another reason I chose this one is because it close by to the house I'm using therefore I can run to the location like in the video.  

Friday 20 September 2019

Risk Assessment

Who is Who

Tom Powell- Playing the role of my music artist
Myia Humber- Playing the second girl in the music video. I have chosen her because she is young, physically attractive and good at acting which means she'll be a good asset to the script.
Imogen Angus- Playing the first girl in the music video. i have chosen myself because i know what i want from the music video and think i'll be able to do the role well.

Location Number 2

I'm using this location as a way of making my character more real and to show the vulnerability of her when she's sad. By using a bedroom like this one it keeps it relatable to my audience of young fun loving.

Location Number 1

 This is the one of the flashback locations. I've chosen an outdoor location for this as it connotes freedom and will appeal to the audience explorer. It being outside makes good lighting for what the scene is and the large open space followed by the smaller enclosed space of the river means that it keeps it varied whilst still being the same place. 

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Shot List

Shot list
  1. Medium shot of girls bedroom
  2. Medium shot of window
  3. medium shot of girls bed with girl out of focus sat on bed
  4. Medium shot of girl
  5. Slow tilt up to girl face
  6. Close up of girls face
  7. Close up birds eye of girl lying on bed
  8. Zooms out (still in birds eye)
  9. Birds eye of two girls lying on bed
  10. Extreme close up of their hands
  11. High shot of their hands with faces in background
  12. Extreme close up of second girls eyes
  13. Extreme close up of first girls lips
  14. Side angle close up of both their faces
  15. Close up side shot of girls taking a photo
  16. Cuts to first girl on her own long shot
  17. Medium of her sat holding the photo
  18. Front facing, tracking round to over the shoulder
  19. Low angle  close up as gets angry
  20. Medium close up of her crying holding it
  21. Side shot of her throwing the photo
  22. Extreme close up of smashed photo on floor
  23. Low angle medium shot of her crying on her bed
  24. Long shot of two girls in a field
  25. High angle of them running over a bridge laughing
  26. Long shot of them walking to a river
  27. Medium of them sitting on a blanket next to the river
  28. Tracking shot of first girl coming off her bed
  29. Tracking of her leaving the house
  30. Low angle tracking of her walking quickly
  31. Close up of her looking round while walking
  32. Extreme close up of her hands in pockets, tilts up
  33.  Medium shot of both girls arguing
  34. Zooms in slowly
  35. Low angle of them arguing
  36. Over the shoulder looking to second girl screaming
  37. Tracking round in circles
  38. Extreme close up tracking of first girls shoes as shes running
  39. Begin to tilt up as she runs faster
  40. Medium over the shoulder of second girl leaving
  41. Close up of girls face as other girl leaves
  42. Cuts to same girl but running, extreme close up
  43. Pans out focusing on face
  44. Stops running and camera keeps moving, tracking shot
  45. Stops on second girl, medium shot stood looking at first girl
  46. Over the shoulder shot looking at second girl
  47. Extreme close up of first girls faces as she starts to walk 
  48. Extreme close up of second girl walking aswell
  49. Long shot of both girls walking
  50. Close up of first girl
  51. Close up side shot of both girls stood in front of each other
  52. Close up shot of both faces as they're about to kiss
  53. End on extreme close up of their lips.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Video Script

1.   Intro of song plays and we begin to see to see a girl sitting on her bed with her head in her hands. This will be an Establishing shot and will slowly zoom in to her face.

2.  The girl will slowly start to lie down and we will see this from a high angle shot looking down onto the bed. It will lift up as the song picks up and we will fade to a lighter filtered scene.

3.  We see two girls in the same bed, same angle and shot as last but with a lighter filter. This is the first of the flashbacks. The girls will be smiling and holding each other’s hands. The camera angle will cut to a side angle close up shot focusing on the girls faces.

4.  The two girls take a photo, cuts to said photo in a frame, close up shot. flashback ends and we cut back to the single girl on the bed, only now she is holding the same photo frame, but dirtier and faded. Front facing, tracking round to over the shoulder shot.

“Every little part of me is holding on to every little piece of you, is holding on to every drop of blood you drew, is holding on to you.”
From 0:00-0:18
Dark filter to connote sadness
No narration

“And every waking hour I spend, holding out for reasons not to go to bed, I’m holding out for someone else to hold instead, if every hope of you is dead”
From 0:20-0:34
Dark filter fading to lighter filter
No narration

“Cause every night since you cut and run, I feel like the only one who’s ever been the lonely one, trying to mend a heart that keeps breaking, with every step that you’re taking”
From 0:37-0:52
Light filter to note of flashback
No narration

“Cause you’ve been running circles round, my mind turning me inside out, and I fell for you but hit the ground, cause the only love I’ve known has let me down-”
From 0:54-1:11
Light to darker filter
No narration

5.  Girl gets angrier and starts crying. Cuts to low angle close up, then to medium close up as we watch her get worse. She then throws the photo, side shot of the girl throwing cuts to close up of the photo on the floor. (Photo frame is smashed)

6.  Fades to another flashback. We watch as the two girls are on a date in a field, they’re running around, laughing. Lots of long shots and high angle shots, cutting from different angles but the same scene. They then sit by a river and have a date

7.  Flahsback ends and we see the first girl start to move off her bed, with tracking shot, and starts leaving the house to try and find the second girl. This will be a fast moving scene with lots of close up shots.

8.  Flashback as we watch the two girls start to argue and shout, no diegetic audio, close up, low angle to show tension. Cutting to and from close ups of both girls to over the shoulder of both girls.

9.  Flashback ends, girl now running, extreme close up tracking shot of feet along a pavement, tilt up as she’s running.

10.Flashback of them still arguing, girl leaves the room in tears. Leaves the other girl alone. Last of the flashbacks

11.Flashback ends, extreme close up of girls face as she’s running. Pans out, (zooms out)

12.Sees second girl from a distance and stops running. Over shoulder shot of second girl. Cuts to over shoulder shot looking at first girl.

13.Start to walk to each other as the music fades out. Extreme close ups of both of their faces cut to long shot of both girls, cut to close up, ends on long close up shot of both girls stood in front of each other. Song ends.
14.Cuts and ends on close up shot of both their faces as they’re just about to kiss.
And I need lifting up, now you ain’t here I’m sleeping rough, and I’m praying I can pray enough, so waking up without you ain’t so tough”
From 1:12-1:29
Dark filter
No narration

“I find it hard to find my feet, when I keep on stumbling over you and me, but I keep on tryin’ cause I know I need to outrun the memories.”
From 1:31-1:45
Light sunny filter
No narration

“And every day I’m reminded of the way I let it come undone and I feel like the lonely one, the only one with time worth wasting, well I still can’t stop chasing.”
From 1:47-2:03
Dark filter
No narration

“Cause you’ve been running circles ‘round, my mind turning me inside out, and I fell for you but hit the ground, cause the only love I’ve known has let me down”
From 2:05-2:22
Light filter
No narration

“And I need lifting up, now you ain’t here I’m sleeping rough”
From 2:23-2:29
Dark filter
No narration

“And I’m praying I can’t pray enough”
From 2:30-2:34
Light filter
No narration

“so waking up without you ain’t so tough”
From 2:34-2:40
Dark filter
No narration

“tough oo ooo”
From 2:40-2:49
Dark filter slowly fading to light filter.
No narration

“Tough, so waking up without you”
“2:50- fade out and end at 2:56
Light filter
No narration

From 2:56-3:00
No narration and no audio or music.

Monday 16 September 2019

AV Content

I will be doing a Q&A video with my artist as a way of introducing my audience to my artist. it will be a short video of about two minutes long consisting of questions my artists 'fans' have asked.


  1. Why was it important for you to have an LGBTQ+ couple represented in your video?
  2. How long did it take you to write 'Tough'?
  3. You were quite heavily involved with the directing of your music video, what was your favourite scene to film?
  4. Dogs or cats?

Photo ideas

Final Website